Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tour of the Texas Hill Country - Part 2

Next, we are going to leave Mason, Texas, and drive east on Hwy 29 toward Llano, Texas. Llano is another German settlement in the Texas Hill Country.

Llano is located deep in the heartland of Texas. Llano is one of the most unique and picturesque cities in the entire state. To visit Llano is to see history close-up. You should consider doing the walking historic tour of Llano. You can pick up a map at the Chamber of Commerce.

For decades the clock on the courthouse tower has chimed the hours and is the unifying heartbeat of the town. As each day darkens, the sounds from the tower, the river and nestling birds intermingle into a single chorus that is commonplace in the hearts and minds of the townsfolk. With an art gallery, museum, historic buildings, gift and antique shops, clothing stores and restaurants all close at hand, visitors are certain to find their stay a pleasant one. Some are so captivated by their experience they choose to remain here permanently.

Considered by the U.S. Census Bureau to be one of the healthiest cities in the nation, Llano is to many hunters the unrivaled Deer Capital of Texas. In fact, the density of deer in the Llano Basin is greater than any other area in the United States.

After exploring Llano, Texas, continue on Hwy 29 towards Buchanan Dam. Stop and explore the wonders of Buchanan Dam. Tour the museum and read about the building of Buchanan Dam. After visiting the dam, continue on Hwy 29 to Inks Lake State Park. This is a beautiful camping area. Reservations are recommended. Enjoy!

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